After moving to the area, Tomieka’s job hunt led her to Goodwill West Texas’s Big Spring store where she accepted a position as a cashier in August of 2022. Experienced in retail, the job was a natural fit for her. A short two months later, she was promoted to Lead Sales/Production Worker. By Christmas, she was the Assistant Manager.
Reflecting on those first few months, she remembers feeling surprised to be promoted so quickly. “At the time my self-esteem was very low. Goodwill helped me heal in a way and get my self-esteem back up.” She went on to say the Big Spring store manager was a fundamental part in that process, “Samantha is 100% behind her team. She taught me a lot!”
After about a year and a half as Assistant Manager in Big Spring, Tomieka recently took a promotion to become the Sweetwater Store Manager. Speaking about her Goodwill career, she said, “It’s a great place to work. You become like a family.”
Her previous manager, Samantha, described her own observations from working with Tomieka. “She worked really hard to get to where she is today. She is very dedicated to her job and everything she does.”
When asked about what she enjoys most about working at Goodwill, Tomieka quickly replied, “I love it all actually! Especially the customers... We have a lot of regulars. You have conversations with them. They share their life with you. It’s just great.”
She has many goals and aspirations in her new role, but her personal priority is all about the atmosphere her team creates. She hopes that when people visit the Sweetwater store, they can feel the same positivity about Goodwill that she and her team do. She hopes after they’ve enjoyed shopping and interacting with staff, they can leave feeling a little lighter with their day a little brighter.
“She is missed dearly by everyone in Big Spring, but she’s going to do amazing things in Sweetwater,” Samantha says about Tomieka’s new venture. She added that one of the best qualities about Tomieka’s leadership style is her ability to listen.
Next time you’re in Sweetwater’s Goodwill, stop in and meet Tomieka or say hello. Her smile will brighten your day!